I’ve read
that Charles Dickens never knew what would happen as he wrote. Have you ever
seen how big his books are? And everything connects with each other. I think
that’s amazing and it proves you don’t need to outline every single thought
that contributes to the plot. However, I also believe that it depends on the
writer, because there are writers who have the story in their heads from
beginning to end and make it work too.
definitely a wing-it-person myself, I try to outline as much as I can, but it
doesn’t seem to work for me. It’s like the story is already there, all I need
to do is write. So that’s what I do. I just write. It starts with a basic idea,
then the characters (sometimes the other way around) and then the words just
flow onto the paper. Alright, it’s not always that easy, but for a first draft
I just tell myself to keep going, writing for the sake of writing. Then I can
always edit later on. Plus, by forcing yourself to write you usually come up
with great ideas. At least, that’s the case with me. Of course I do take a
little break sometimes to assess different plot turns and see which will work
best, but once I know which direction I want to head in I’m good to go. And
when I find that I have no idea which way to go, that’s where I just write the
first thing that comes to mind and usually that sparks great ideas later on.
Pressure can be a good thing,
I’ve learned. If you’re stuck it’s also a good idea to write the ending, or a
future scene so that you know what you’re writing towards.
The cons of outlining are that there is no room for creativity, you’ve already thought about which scene goes where and after hard work you’ve come up with the perfect full circle, but what if you discover something along the way? Oh, what is that? Another character just popped up? No, that can’t happen because it’s not planned. But it can happen, because in the imagination anything can happen. Writing is a creative endeavour and no matter how perfectly planned the story is, you still never know until you actually write. You might also get tunnel vision and at some point lose track of the big picture because you’re so focussed on what your outline told you to write that it might take you a while to notice that it’s not working. I’ve heard stories of writers that had an outline and started writing, but then realised something wasn’t working and they weren’t sure what. It could be something in the plot that looked good on paper but just isn’t right, or it could be the lack of soul. Sometimes, because you don’t have a clear goal, you go places that you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. Something that doesn’t necessarily contribute to what you had in mind, but does in fact benefit the soul of the story in some way.
The pros of
no outline are therefore that you have more freedom. You’ve packed your bags
and are ready for the road trip of a lifetime. You know roughly in which
direction you go, but anything is still possible. Predicting what lies ahead
can’t always be done and sometimes you need to react on something along the
way, something that’s unpredictable. Let’s just stick to the driving metaphor
and say that there’s a road block, then you need to find a way around it at
that moment and who knows where that might lead to? And that can be a good
thing. You have room for creativity and you find that your original idea may
lead you to a completely new and better idea.
The cons of
no outline are that you can get lost along the way. Without a clear destination
you might end up driving in circles. If you don’t at least know what you’re
trying to say and what you’re writing for, it’s hard to determine what should
be written in the first place. A book needs some structure in order to make
sense, so it’s good to have some things planned, even if it’s just one scene at
the end and one in the middle.
What works
for me is the middle ground. Somewhere between plotting like a villain and
winging it like a politician that was just caught cheating. However, it is up
to the writer. Everybody has their own system and what works for me, won’t work
for them and vice versa. So which are you? Plotter? Winger? Or plonger?